Full Title:Die Neue Nationalgalerie: T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land as a Literary Museum”
Conference: Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies (PCCBS)
Location: Las Vegas, NV
First Presented: February 27, 2015

This paper analyzes the configuration of space and time in the T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land in order to argue that Eliot modeled the poem, with its artifact collection of cultural fragmentation, on structure and space of the British museum.

Full Title: “Das ewig Weibliche: Temporality in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts”
Conference: 14th Annual Conference of the Modern Studies Association (MSA 14)
Location: Las Vegas, NV
First Presented: October 18, 2012

This paper examines Virginia Woolf’s presentation of time in her last novel, Between the Acts in order to better understand how she deals with the limitations of the novel as a medium, as well as stream-of-consciousness as a narrative device, in illustrating the passage of time.